.hack// (29)

18 Name: Nekoski : 2017-04-03 01:12 ID:HojWKMLX

It's sad how popular SAO's gotten, while .hack's pretty much faded into obscurity. SAO games are pretty awful too.

IMOQ was good, GU was good, but good god, LINK was awful. Horribly repetitive, with that QTE hit-the-line battle system, and the characters weren't even the actual characters, just Aura's memories.

It's like they didn't know where to take the series after GU ended, and just kept throwing things at the wall. Quantum was solid, but the movie was really plain. Versus was pretty fun for what it was though, made that movie import worthwhile. The mobile games just feel like nothing efforts, and don't really capture the essence of .hack.

They should try a full console game again, make it episodic if they have to. Game "seasons" and season passes make that super easy now. Hopefully some of the money and clout CyberConnect gets from the Final Fantasy 7 remake could go into a new .hack. Bamco pls.

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