ITT We talk about whatever game we feel like talkin about (251)

152 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-01-17 11:11 ID:PwwvTcX6

I also got two copies of Brian Lara Cricket, a standard edition and a platinum edition (he was selling them together for £1). I know absolutely nothing about cricket so I was just mashing buttons to throw the ball and hit it. Didn't know what any of the numbers meant for scoring. It had something I've noticed on a few PS1 games I've played on the PS3, where the sounds stops working and just plays a high-pitched EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE noise for a while; then when I hit the ball it changes frequency. I wonder if this is some sound glitch related to the PS3 handling sounds differently than the native PS1 or something?

Just for a laugh I wondered what would happen if I swapped the game out and put the platinum version in while it was still running. It carried on playing no trouble.

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