ITT We talk about whatever game we feel like talkin about (251)

201 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-02-28 16:39 ID:E30/ANhR

MGS 1 feels overrated. Don't get me wrong its a great game but whole sections of it are just rehashed from Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake. The chase sequence at the end, the ninja boss, female love interest etc. Meryl is just a rehash of Holly and Otacon is Dr. Madner. Then you realize Kojima does this with a lot of his games. They all have a situtation where your captured and have to endure a button mashing torture sequence that will give you arthritis. They all have a scenario where you have to save a guy who's captured and knows a bit of the big dark secret but never enough and also happens to be on the other side and in disguise. There's always a diguised female helper (Holly, Gustava, Meryl, Eva) whose cover gets blown and a an ally/friend Snake knows from way back ends up betraying him (Miller/Liquid, Campbell in MGS2, The Boss etc). When will we stop heaping praise on this man for reheating the same damn story multiple times?

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