ITT We talk about whatever game we feel like talkin about (251)

208 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-03-11 01:32 ID:keAn/kc0

Kojima got his idea of simulation from Baudrillard who was popular in Japan at the time. The idea is that simulation isn't a fake version of something real or a lie that hides the truth. Its a representation of an object that claims to be faithful but has no real connection to it. A simulation replaces the thing its supposed to represent. Porn is supposed to be raw uncensored real sex but nobody used to have sex like that irl. People end up modelling their meatspace sex lives on internet porn so it ends up becoming real or more accurately replacing what was real. Our ability to distinguish between real and artifical has broken down. The Big Shell incident is a staged event based on myths about Shadow Moses. Its designed to take rookies like Raiden and turn them into replacements for Solid Snake. All of the bosses, the bad guys, the mission profile are rough copies of MGS1. Its a meta commentary on gaming i.e. Konami will just pump out soulless Metal Gear clones that rehash the first game and the military will turn warfare into a game and use gaming to recruit mindless soldiers. The breakdown of our ability to distinguish truth and falsehood will make us easy to control through manipulating content.

This also means we don't know where the line between real and staged is in the game. For all we know, Snake/Pliskin, Otacon, EE etc are all actors and the big reveal at the end is part of the exercise. Its one of the what ifs of the game. Do Snake and Otacon actually interfere in the Patriots' simulation or are they just actors too?

>Do you think in the near future, real soldiers will be using AI to help them in battle the way the Colonel AI does for Raiden?

They already do that. Usually it means taking metadata and demographic information to generate kill lists for drones, death squads, or the air force.

This is more recent

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