ITT We talk about whatever game we feel like talkin about (213)

212 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-04-13 10:28 ID:0BjPZuzo

I just got the platinum trophy on maybe the second-worst football game I ever played. It's called Super Arcade Soccer 2021, and I got it for about £2 in a PSN sale. Everything about it is shit, but at least it was entertainingly shit. Here's some funny things I found:

  • Player stats seem to have a huge effect on shooting accuracy, but not pass or lob accuracy. The best way to score is to use high-powered passes instead of the shoot button.
  • There is no point aiming penalties for this reason, the best way is to aim straight ahead and press shoot, the game will decide which direction you're shooting
  • Goalkeepers seem to either have lighting-quick responses, or have been lobotomised, when reacting to each individual shot in the game.
  • You can often chip it from halfway up the pitch and the GK will watch it bounce past him into the net
  • Goalkeepers seem to have a thing that causes other players to fall when they come close. I think this is for when they dive at an attacker's feet and save the ball, but it means you can run up the whole pitch with your GK and opponents will fall over when they try to tackle you
  • GKs don't have tackle animations, but it still plays the sfx when you press the button
  • Like many football games, there is a radar view at the bottom showing player positions. There are no walls around the pitch, so you can run forever away from play, and watch the radar marker run across the screen. I got my player markers up on the scoreboard at the top of the screen.
  • Usually in football games, just like real life, a game is abandoned if too many players are sent off. Not this game. I am currently soft-locked, because I got all 10 outfield players sent off, and when the other team scored, the goalie is taking kick-off, but he has no one to kick it to, so now they're just standing there with time paused.
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