ITT We talk about whatever game we feel like talkin about (251)

241 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-12-28 05:43 ID:+7NERU+O

Got addicted to Elona again.
Working my way through the main quest in Custom-GX with a Pianist. Just today, I finally grinded out enough small medals to replace my pet little girl with a catsister.

I'd like to try out the Omake Overhaul mod, but it can't upscale the window like Custom-GX which is annoying, and there's also some kind of locale issue on newer versions of Windows that results in JP text randomly not being displayed. You're even more screwed if you don't know any Japanese, because while someone made a translated version of it back in 2017, all the links for it are long dead.

Funny thing, while looking at Japanese wiki comments I saw people bemoaning that Custom is the most popular mod lineage outside Japan (apparently they feel that the mod creator disrespected Noa), unable to comprehend why it wasn't Omake. Maybe translate it for starters?

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