Minecraft might be getting horses soon? (7)

2 Name: kk : 2014-03-30 11:46 ID:wpLwm+aK

I just got a Minecraft card code for free! :D http://linkbitty.com/FreeMinecraft

3 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-09-10 07:32 ID:rrRKb233

in the 'south park' episode didn't they need to tame a horse in mine craft to unlock the crime show channels?

4 Name: anonymous loser : 2015-01-08 17:16 ID:D7iw7/Kc

Remember when people realized that Minecraft was an overhyped, unfinished piece of indie trash?

5 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-01-10 14:54 ID:i6qH8oQF

Kids haven't.

6 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-02-03 00:48 ID:1E5ZSM2+

I'm actually one of the first 10,000 to buy that game. It was around the beginning of 2010, but I was following it for months before that.

It's sad how much potential was wasted. It could've been a 3D Dwarf Fortress. Instead we got glorified lego.

7 Name: President Business : 2015-02-07 03:55 ID:F1PSCtAx

They actually have a LEGO Minecraft theme now.


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