The "other" Duke Nukem games. (11)

1 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2014-08-10 12:30 ID:oZ37Wyf7

And no, I don't mean the Apogee era ones.

I've been rediscovering my enjoyment of Duke Nukem 3D, and looking into the franchise some more, and it seems that in between 3D and Forever there were a bunch of spinoffs, mostly for consoles, that I hadn't been aware of for the most part.

So, are Time to Kill, Land of the Babes, Zero Hour, Manhattan Project and any other interim game I forgot any good? Most of them seem to have the fuck-ugly Playstation polygon look that turned me off to consoles (and to some degree video games in general) of that era, but being ugly doesn't necessarily mean they're not fun, or at least a source of Nuclear amusement.

2 Name: lover : 2015-06-06 11:13 ID:aQVDcAzi

Try to find Lameduke, a pre-release beta before DN3D, with completely different levels..

3 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-07-22 22:22 ID:q6H7Ikti


>polygon look

It's funny when you consider how technically the Build engine doesn't actually render polygons/3D at all. This might not be true on consoles though since the Saturn version at least was remade with a Powerslave/Exhumed engine (which was true 3D).

Speaking about that, I wholly recommend you to play the console port of Powerslave (NOT the DOS one, it's a different game altogether). It's a really great FPS that was a bit similar to Metroid Prime with the non-linearity thing. In 1996.

4 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-07-24 00:11 ID:7ocQ59zc

>>3 I don't think the spinoffs used BUILD, no.

5 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-08-25 09:12 ID:8uGP9RBT

Which Powerslave console port? Does it matter, i.e. how Doom 64 was a completely new, different game from Doom on Saturn, Playstation?

6 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2015-08-27 13:14 ID:7ocQ59zc

Every Powerslave version was different, the PC version being the most different (and often considered the worst) and Saturn version was considered the best/truest to the devs' intentions.

Can we talk about Duke Nukem Time to Kill / Land of the Babes / Zero Hour / Manhattan Project now?

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10 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-10-03 16:11 ID:bfM5stb1

Played the PS4 one recently thinking I'd never played them before, but immediately realised I'd watched my friend play these levels on PC 20 years before

11 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-10-10 06:19 ID:ZcZiUC9u


>Manhattan Project

I only ever played the demo for it, but I remember enjoying what little of this game I played immensely. It has much of the same voice acting, gore, and other traits that we've come to expect from the series ever since DN3D, paired with a 2D sidescroller style that is unique to it and the original Apogee games.

If nothing else, it would probably be worth tracking down a used copy and giving it a try; since it was universally panned by the reviews I have seen, there are probably a lot of unused / unwanted copies floating around on the market. lol

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