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This is better than 4channel to be honest, more VIP quality
Yeah, I hate Google's shitty captcha.
I bet you can even browse this in Links
The fact that uMatrix hasn't blocked a single script is both scary and relieving at the same time.
It's not the website that makes good posters. It's the people. That's why people shitting on reddit or tumblr are retarded. It's the majority of people who USE them who are retarded. So basically. Newfags on 4chan everywhere (I am not calling it 4channel It's the exact same fucking site)
I do like the simple captchas here tho
Honestly, we should just abandon 4chan(nel) and regroup here.
Anyone who has the patients to browse a textboard is allowed. I doubt that will be many of you though.
This place does seem a lot more laidback than the shitposting storm that is 4chan. You can't go a post without people arguing and calling each other faggots and such.
Nah, sites tend to shape posters rather than vice-versa. The medium is the message. When all people had was geocities, everyone had to learn some HTML and make a website. When everything's centered on Twitter, even Doctors have to talk like teenagers.
This place does seem a lot more laidback than the shitposting storm that is DQN. You can't go a post without people going to Yoshinoya and asking if you really want that extra sauce and such.
yeah this is cooler
no, fuck off