Do "exploit mechanics" have a respectable place in gaming? (9)

1 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2022-12-26 07:52 ID:usqMXkwB

By "exploit mechanics" I mean mechanics that exist or originated specifically because of oversights in code, e.g wavedashing, rocket jumping, etc. In these cases, the mechanics have been taken as normal now in their respective communities.

However, there are situations where mechanics of this kind are less welcome or enjoyed among players; I've heard people argue that the "endless teleport" that is possible in the DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi games(albeit only with good enough timing) wasn't enjoyable nor accurate to the show, and I want to know if there are other cases of this same thing.

2 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2022-12-26 11:00 ID:Heaven


grow the fuck up manchildren

3 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2022-12-30 12:11 ID:4lh1iKW7

I have to agree with >>2 here, it's a stupid thing to worry about. But let's take this opportunity to talk about fun exploits in games you've played! I loved the Missingno. infinite item exploit in Pokémon Red/Blue, it blew my little mind back in the day!

4 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2022-12-30 15:56 ID:Heaven

That TAS guy thrives on those, he rapes every game he plays.
GB Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins "game end glitch" by andymac, MUGG in 02:28.08
Not the fastest vid by him, but one of my favorites nonetheless.

He doesn't seem to like online games too much, showing his powerlevel causes either for his strategy to get nerfed, or for him to get banned / sued.

5 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2022-12-30 17:00 ID:Heaven
Yeah, this confirms that youtube at some point reencoded videos. But this is probably the first video I saw that actually got corrupted to this extend.

6 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-01-04 14:11 ID:Heaven

>>5 Um are you sure? Do you mean the glitchiness? It's supposed to be like that

7 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-01-05 10:06 ID:Heaven

no, compare videos in >>4 and >>5, >>5 is much glitchier and older despite actions being exactly the same. I'm sure youtube bastards just corrupted it by overcompressing it.

8 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-01-13 10:47 ID:Heaven

>>7 I don't think it works like that, the video in >>5 is certainly much glitchier but that's in the video, it's not related to compression. It says so in the video title and the comments. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding you?

9 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-01-17 08:12 ID:Heaven

"glitched" in >>5 means that this TAS uses a glitch to clear the game. But video itself became corrupted at some point, and no comment mentions that, since last comment was 10 years ago. This confirms that this is caused by youtube fucking up, and this looked normal at least 10 years ago, that >>5 used to look exactly like >>4 in the past. >>5 became double glitched.

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