Kirby is an embodiment of gluttony so why doesn't he eat humans? I feel that would be natural character progression for him. And not just humans or villains, but children too. I could imagine Kirby as a monsterous kaiju eating up vast parts of Akiba, from maid cafes and p0rn shops to average bypassers. Eventually the SDF is called to deal with him and he begins munching down on their tanks. He swells to such a size he finally swallows Sadoshima and suffers painful indigestion. Eventually, his body becomes so huge it cracks at the surface leading to plate tectonics and volcanoes erupting pink goo. A thread inspires a spin off game where the players take control of an elite team tasked with defusing a massive Kirby volcano. Think of it like Tron but dumber.
For record, I have never played a Kirby game but I would like to if OP can recommend me a title I can easily emulate and will be a lot of fun.