Undertale-Deltarune Thread (22)

20 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-08-19 09:23 ID:oznkrVff

This is either a hot take or a very cold one, but I don't care for Deltarune for the story, mostly because it doesn't exist?
In comparison to Undertale where there was an overarching plotline surrounding your journey and actions, Deltarune's feels shallow and inconsequential, and its mostly just a collection of gags and short-term "encounters" that you experience once and instantly stops being of relevance, yeah there are the more complex side stories (like Spamton), but those don't matter either on account of being too small to be relevant.
Yes I know about snowgrave, thats pretty much a reboot of the genocide route that mostly threw subtlety out the window because no one got the original's message (the atrocities committed by the protagonist, is ultimately the fault of the player) and blamed everything on chara.
Deltarune's plotline feels like a simple game of DnD that no one takes too seriously (rather than a fleshed out plotline), and considering thats the surrounding theme I wouldn't be surprised if the shitty twist™© is that Deltarune is literally Kris and his friends sitting down playing a tabletop game.
Anyway sorry for the rant, I can't wait for the wave of unironic edge that will come with chapter 3's evil route.

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