Pretty fun sidegame. The girls are cute, the story is mostly chill and the gameplay not too demanding (except when it is). Sometimes the girls you want don't come into your bag and that's when you get mad, but that's what planning in advance is for. Plus you often find other girls that eventually come to your liking.
Anyway who are your favorite students?
Kaede mating press
Gotta love Neru!
Since I got no SSRs on the card thingy today I'm 90 eleph short from getting Mitch to UE50 but I'm not doing any extra refreshes since I want to get the most out of mYuz next week. I'm probably going to max out Mitch manually in the future when I feel like it and have enough ligma to spare.
Between Nagisa, Iroha and mYuzu who do you guys recommend for PVP?
UE40 is pretty viable for Micher.
You're good with that.
I know the game is garbage without knowing anything else about it
I think Blue archive ROCKS. ᓀˬᓂ
Posting in the super secret thread
Goodnight /sbag/
If I've done this math correctly, I should be able to bring Reisa to 40 bond when she arrives.
Hope I didn't screw this up...
I guess I could always post the link here instead.
Nobody knows of the secret /bag/ thread.
I had to search through my history to find this shit again. I'll just keep the tab open.
>he doesn't keep the secret thread open.
>He doesn't keep the sikrit thread on his main monitor refreshing every 5 seconds