What's the bump limit here? (8)

7 Name: Anonymous : 2021-12-03 14:12 ID:u5bnrTh7

I opened kareha.pl, and it shows this.

sub make_reply(%)

my (%vars)=@_;
my $thread=read_thread($vars{thread});
make_error(S_THREADCLOSED) if($$thread{closed});
$$thread{lasthit}=$vars{time} unless($vars{link}=~/sage/i or $$thread{postcount}>=MAX_RES or $$thread{permasage}); # bump unless sage, too many replies, or permasage

I also found this.
MAX_RES (1000) - Maximum number of times a thread can be bumped

...I'm pretty sure that's not how muh japanese textboards work. I'm pretty sure people sage there mostly to delay bump limit. I can't really check because none of them let me fucking post on them.

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