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File: 1613952055234.jpg (268372 B, 1092x742) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
268372 No.793  

>> No.4792  

I cast FIST

>> No.4812  
File: 1708033273463.gif (220349 B, 250x139) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

SSF2X Ryu Combo Trial

Hadouken - d, df, f+p
Red Hadouken - b, db, d, df, f+p
Tatsumaki Sempukyaku - d, db, b+k
Shoryuken - f, d, df+p
Shinku Hadouken - d, df, f, d, df, f+p
Cr mp, cr hk - crouch mp links into crouch hk
Jump hk, st hp, Hadouken - basic jump in combo, make sure jump hk is decently late and to cancel stand heavy punch into hadouken
Jump mk, cr mp, cr mk, Hadouken - basic cross up combo, crouch mp links to crouch mk and cancel to hadouken
Cr mk, sweep - crouch mk needs to be meaty, best to knockdown opponent and do crouch mk as they start to rise and so crouch mk hits on the last possible moment.
Overhead, cr hk - only works on crouching opponents up close
Solar plex, cr hp, hadouken - best to do this as opponent gets up from knockdown as forward + punch will throw normally
Jump mp, Jump mp - air to air combo, there are ways to get the first jump mp to hit once and the second to hit twice.
Jump mp, Jump mp - make sure to let the opponent drop low to get all 2 hits of Shinku Hadouken
Cr mk, Shinku Hadouken - you will need to buffer the mk in the super input - d, df, f, d+mk, df, f+p
Jump hk, cr mk, Shinku Hadouken - same as before but you can hide the first d, df, f motion in the jump hk animation
Cr mp, cr mk, Shinku hadouken - will need to time the buffer so that the cr mk still links (see #14 for input)
Cr lk, st lk, cr lk, Shinku Hadouken - this is a DGV special, you will need to do the stand lk fast enough that you get close stand lk, and buffer the crouch lk just the same as #14
Overhead, cr mk, Shinku hadouken - only works on larger characters, this is similar to #16 where you will need to time your buffer to link the canceled crouch mk to super
Solarplex, cr hp, Shinku Hadouken - combine the ideas of #11 and #14, but this time use crouch hp instead of crouch mk
Jump mk, Solar plex, cr hp, Shinku Hadouken - This only works on crouching larger characters otherwise jump mk to solarplex will not combo.

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