[horror] Higurashi no Naku Koro ni [uso da!] (92)

1 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-05-04 20:37 ID:LH7Pdwky This thread was merged from the former /anime/ board. You can view the archive here.

Thread for the horror anime Higurashi no naku koro ni

Thread will contain spoilers, but let's try not to post spoilers from the raws without warning, ok?

official sites:

fansite directory:

English summary and information:


2 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-05-04 22:12 ID:KIyo/Pqf

This is a fun and creepy little show. I started watching it just on general otaku principles (it's based on doujin visual novels, and any doujin work that actually manages to get an anime produced has gotta have something going for it), but I'm really getting hooked now. And it is a lot creepier than most other horror shows.

And, for those to whom it's not immediately obvious: Get The Triad's subs: http://a.scarywater.net/triad/

3 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-05-05 08:28 ID:F0dmdmNS

Just wondering...How scary is it? Scary as The Ring ? Is it more violent than Elfen Lied?

4 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-05-05 10:47 ID:Heaven

It's not very violent. Explicit violence is not scary.

5 Name: 2 : 2006-05-05 21:27 ID:Heaven

Also: This is the most bipolar show in a long time. The way it jumps between the moe and the utter creepiness kind of sets your head spinning.

6 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-05-23 20:47 ID:UesZVZ0u

I actually prefer Ayu's fansubs to Traid's. But since both groups have stalled at ep3 or so, it's best to stick with WinD for now. Besides, WinD = We are IN Denial - what a fitting name for a Higurashi fansub group?

7 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-05-23 20:57 ID:Heaven

Ayu's translation are in general average at best. Triad is pretty much consistently good to brilliant.

Wind, on the other hand, are a complete joke.

8 Name: Mich The Weird : 2006-06-24 00:36 ID:Heaven

I've watched the first three episodes so far and it's pretty darned interesting.

It's also interesting how (spoiler):


Keiichi was doing everything exactly like Satoshi did - how he picked up Satoshi's bat just like Satoshi, how he swung it just like Satoshi, and how he tried to walk home and avoid the club meeting just like Satoshi. I wonder if he was also getting punished just like Satoshi was?

Well, I guess I'll find out some other time if that was the case.

9 Name: Mich The Weird : 2006-06-28 12:02 ID:XjPIHq3y


WinD seems all right, but their subtitles to "Why, Or Why Not" make no sense at all. How can someone be a river in life? O________O Seems like they turned down the volume, then wrote down whatever they thought they heard to me.

10 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-06-30 05:50 ID:8jr7BwDP

I personally like Ayu. Triad is good as well. Wind just...they're speed subbers so it's expected

11 Name: eMuJeI-kun : 2006-07-02 12:58 ID:WF4+SidH

Ayu's subs are great.. but since Wind subs so fast.. most direct d/l sites has Wind instead of Ayu or triad..

12 Name: eMuJeI-kun : 2006-07-02 12:58 ID:WF4+SidH

Ayu's subs are great.. but since Wind subs so fast.. most direct d/l sites has Wind instead of Ayu or triad..

14 Name: Mich The Weird : 2006-07-05 21:02 ID:fYdC6o+3


I guess I meant Ayu when I said WinD in >>9 .


15 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-07-10 13:14 ID:AuUwpwgW

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16 Name: Mich The Weird : 2006-08-02 17:08 ID:MccfSvJj

Dang, that Shion-fingernail-ripping-out scene was chilling. I mean, the tension, the screaming, and how the sonozakis forced her to go through with it for being in love with Satoshi.


17 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-08-04 07:35 ID:RqwHDssw

I don't think WinD is that bad, sure their first release was bad, but they've really come along. I'm loving this series~ I was hooked upon the first major WTF twist of plot

18 Name: Mich The Weird : 2006-08-04 18:04 ID:Heaven


Me too.

19 Name: Mich The Weird : 2006-09-16 15:19 ID:rCLeUl9V

I had an interesting Higurashi-related dream last night. It involved some kids trying to squish some people to decide the next victims of Oyashiro-sama's curse. They decided on Rika in the end. The kids were chasing after me for some reason! Weird and a bit amusing, really.

20 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-09-28 07:07 ID:6VyrHC9T

It's over.

I'm sad.

The last ep sure creeped me out. Not really sure how I feel about the ending. I'll wait till the fansub comes out and watch it again.

21 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-10-23 19:32 ID:kn3h/pfJ

well, i'm late to the party, but what were your favorite arcs?

tatarigoroshi here

22 Name: ziapanize : 2006-11-07 17:09 ID:1pI8juZx

I've just finished the original Higurashi no Naku Koro ni PC game.
Great. Simply great. I'd never expected that the whole mysteries would be completely solved like this.
But come to think about it, foreign people will never know the truth unless they decide to make the second season or someone decides to translate the whole (approximately)4MBites Japanese texts.
How poor...

...no. maybe kj1980 will post the spoiler again...

23 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-11-18 22:14 ID:kn3h/pfJ

24 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-11-21 02:16 ID:d9Q1zPEG

very strange series but i ended up watching through it all because of the suspense. the last bunch of episodes tied up loose threads but then the final 2-3 episodes completely lost me again @_@

25 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-12-06 14:29 ID:kn3h/pfJ

26 Name: seiya : 2007-01-02 03:16 ID:sDSyWbzj

just a rip-off of elfen lied with worse characters,art and plot

this anime sucks monkey balls

27 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-01-02 05:42 ID:kn3h/pfJ

That's an impressively fast ripoff. The first Higurashi game was released about two months after the Elfen Lied manga started running.

I haven't seen EL so I can't contest your statement of opinion, but perhaps someone else will?

28 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-01-03 03:21 ID:P0/byaoJ

telekenetic evolved forms of humans being hunted down by the government


a ghost haunting some people in a small town


29 Name: Da!cPUZU5OGFs : 2007-01-18 15:11 ID:6MPooMxn

#_# Shit, did you guys compared it with Elfen Lied..?
A rip Off..?
This anime is not about sadistic you know..And we do not see a "horn" guy/women in this series #_#
This anime really need a 2nd season..

30 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-01-24 09:10 ID:+eD2glFI

Only an idiot would say this is a rip-off of Elfen Lied.

I heard they are making a second season.

31 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-01-24 14:54 ID:kn3h/pfJ

Indeed, it's confirmed now. I hope the technical staff does a better job of it then on the first one.

32 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-01-24 15:58 ID:sDSyWbzj

please guys, don´t compare that piece of shit called higurashi with the great elfen lied

33 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-01-24 20:16 ID:JTSxskHg

Has the elf lied yet

34 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-01-24 21:52 ID:KIyo/Pqf

Elves always lie. They are mischievous and full of malice.

35 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-01-26 01:27 ID:Heaven

1 <3 >>34

36 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-03-22 17:53 ID:QDNkZWPp

higurashi was alright, the ending was kind of disappointing.

were there two different stories of what happened for keichi or whatever in the beginning? i don't remember the earlier episodes so well now, but iirc, the first 8 episodes/2chapters were different story lines, and then the rest of the chapters filled in information from other characters on the 2nd chapter story. or were they supposed to be the 'same' story at all?

37 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-03-22 18:40 ID:kn3h/pfJ


They're all different storylines. However, chapter 5 shares the same essential events as chapter 2, and in chapter 6 Rena is in a similar situation as Keiichi was in chapter 1. They are considered the "Answer" chaptes to those "Question" chapters (likewise, in the games chapter 7 answers chapter 3, and chapter 8 answers chapter 4.)

Also, season 2 was confirmed for July recently. It's called "Higurashi no Nako Koro ni Kai," suggesting it's an adaptation of chapters 7 and 8.

38 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-04-26 17:48 ID:WpRlmNdm

39 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-04-27 12:53 ID:tgEDkNCq

>>36 Which ending? I personally enjoyed the EVERYONE DIES one.

40 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-05-22 23:17 ID:CZYUKGHY

Higurashi is great. I hope someone licenses the manga. I'll probably buy the anime when it comes out...


(The song Egao Happy Peace sung by Rena. Great bipolarness =D)

Gomenesaigomenesaigomenesaigomenesaigomenesai... Doushite... USO DA!!!!!

41 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-05-27 12:40 ID:JDlCOEqa

It owns.....that song owns....

I love it.

42 Name: 40 : 2007-05-27 15:40 ID:ff5VSwq/


Shion and Mion's Character CD Theme "Futari no Birthday"
It's awesome. Yukino Satsuki does a duet with herself (She voices both Shion and Mion), and there's some awesome screaming and flipping out at 2:55 =D
(On Character CD 2)


4 Words. Keiichi and Oishi RAPPING.

(On same CD as Rena's theme)
Do you know Oyashiro-sama? Yes, Hinamizawa. I Kill You, You Kill Me, No, Hinamizawa.

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