My Plea To Fansubbers (24)

1 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-08-27 12:48 ID:2ecuSdbR This thread was merged from the former /anime/ board. You can view the archive here.

Please pay more attention to the importance of DVD RAWS.

The industry is currently changing to including more incentives for the Japanese to purchase DVDs, things like uncensoring, bonus episodes, and animation fixes are very commonplace nowadays. In that sense, the tv broadcast is not where the show ends.

Particularly for shows that aren't likely to be licensed, I beg that you release DVD versions, or retimed scripts for the DVD RAWS, and I thank everyone who has done so thus far. Bear in mind that I am not talking about R1 DVD rips, but am referring soley to R2 DVD rips of unlicensed series. This will not negatively impact the industry in anyway that fansubbing already doesn't.

It's time to start changing.

2 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-08-27 14:50 ID:YVrb2LlB


3 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-08-27 15:36 ID:Heaven


Consider it an incentive for your cheap ass to buy the R1 DVDs when they are released (and they will be - nearly everything is licensed these days). Fansubbing is for building interest in a series, not a substitute for buying the real thing.

4 Name: KJI!XDpPLAUYlQ : 2006-08-27 20:54 ID:AZhSvmH7

>>3-san is correct.

Even if only the R2 is out, if you remembered what happened from the fansub, you should understand most of it anyway if you buy the R2.

Also, most of these incentives to get people the buy the R2 DVD are also in the R1... so yeah, you can wait and buy that as well.

5 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-08-28 22:30 ID:tczsFO1w

The more people abuse fansubs to get free anime the more companies will take notice and evetually they could take action against them.

6 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-08-29 01:10 ID:Heaven

Yeah you jackasses! Get off your ass, work overtime, and supply me with better raws!

7 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-08-29 11:28 ID:3Zf0mBg2

I thought >>1 was going to say that .mkv is important, but it turns out he's actually selfish in a new more novel way.

8 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-08-29 16:47 ID:9AUPVngt

The Matroska container is a good thing for normal anime fans, and also the Japanese companies. We can demux the files to get the subtitle files, and watch them together with purchased R2 DVDs! It's a win-win situation!

9 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-08-29 17:45 ID:TcIMC22A

Y'know, it would be kind of cool if there was an app for just that specific thing, some app that muxes out the subs and then allows you to rip a DVD and mux the subs with what you just got from the DVD... for added justice, add an online database with timing patches. But that would be hellish complex to create, and most fansub groups don't like softsubs anyways.

10 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-08-29 18:32 ID:sgJXv5i+

So you're saying that licensed releases in the US and (to think of such things must be heresy!) Europe aren't horribly butchered and do, in fact, include original audio and DVD subtitles these days? We must be living on different planets.

In any case, I'm going to continue worshipping the noble fansubber and regarding the likes of >>5 as similar to those people who cried "piracy is killing the Amiga!" in 1990.

11 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-08-29 18:34 ID:Heaven


Plus, it makes it all that much easier for HK pirates to create bootlegs with the fansubs! And Japanese users can just download them and turn off the subs, if they want to pirate the eps! Awesome!

12 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-08-29 20:04 ID:tczsFO1w


You do realize of course that companies are already taking notice of fansubbers and several have threatened lawsuits if they don't stop.

Fansubbers are a moral group as a whole. If asked to stop fansubbing they certainly do. This won't stop bootlegging of course which will cause certain groups to simply go underground. I for one would rather fansubbing continue as it does now and not incite a conflict with Japanese production companies.

13 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-08-29 22:13 ID:Heaven

In fact, most anime DVD releases are pretty nice where I live (germany), they damn near always include original audio and subs. Most dubs still suck, though.

14 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-08-29 22:34 ID:Heaven


Different planets indeed. I have not seen a show that did not feature original audio and subtitles in years and years. Where are you living, the early nineties? The only ones that might not is silly kiddy shows that aren't worth watching in the first place - I wouldn't know, I don't watch them.

> In any case, I'm going to continue worshipping the noble fansubber

The noble fansubber does not touch licensed material, and does his best to make a show popular and licensed. The noble fansubber does not want to supply you with a replacement for the DVDs.

15 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-08-29 22:43 ID:Heaven

I think >>10 was tongue in cheek as the Amiga is rotting in its grave.

16 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-08-29 23:17 ID:AZhSvmH7

Yeah, I'm surprised so many people responded to >>10 seriously.

17 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-08-30 02:08 ID:sgJXv5i+

Yes yes. I've heard all this before. Perhaps the next thing you'll say is that they will cease production, throw their toys out of the pram and fuck the hell off back home where they'll take up jobs sweeping streets.

Nopes. I'm going to continue as I was before -- waiting for the first lawsuit, kind of like I "waited" for the Phantom game console. (har.) Unless I'm sorely mistaken, well nigh all anime is produced for the Japanese market first and licensed on the initiative of the importing company. Is the importing company going to care? Yes? No? I say fansubs are an important marketing tool for them. If someone goes to the trouble of producing quality subs for a show, there's a good chance that DVDs pressed of it will sell to the "I has 50 shelf meters of animu" crowd. Not that I actually give two shits for an import company, but what on earth have they done to deserve such frothing at the mouth loyalty?

The noble fansubber goes to tens of hours of trouble for no tangible gain to make good shit watchable to non-devotees like myself. Reputation, you say? That's ephemeral at best, actionable at worst. I see little difference between downloading fansubs and downloading television series on which the local telly is years behind if it is shown at all.

Glory to the fansubber. Even the "ethical" ones -- I'm sure no one with a passion for what they're doing quits entirely simply because of one series being rendered inaccessible to themselves.

>>15 >>16
Ha ha, only serious.

18 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-08-30 09:56 ID:Heaven

Watch the aired show fansubbed and buy the DVD you little scoundrels. I know your allowance may not be enough but have you thought about getting a job and growing up?

19 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-08-30 11:01 ID:Heaven

> Reputation, you say?

I most definitely do not. Where did you get that from?

> Even the "ethical" ones -- I'm sure no one with a passion for what they're doing quits entirely simply because of one series being rendered inaccessible to themselves.

I am a fansubber, and I do just that.

20 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2011-08-25 14:17 ID:Heaven

21 Post deleted.

22 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2017-05-03 12:25 ID:Bdpf/mxg

I can't believe daiz killed anime again

23 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2017-08-28 22:27 ID:Zx3uYTqK


24 Name: Lucy : 2017-09-04 14:18 ID:riDUyvgJ

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