Anime/Manga That You Are Too Ashamed To Admit You Like (101)

1 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2009-08-07 05:15 ID:MzukpOd9 This thread was merged from the former /anime/ board. You can view the archive here.

Inspired by the "What anime really surprised you and why?" thread, I think it's time we fess up and say that that one series we always insult, belittle, or just ignore is actually the one that touched us deep in our heart.

For me the main one that pops into mind is Gravitation. It and couple episodes of Loveless are the only two shōnen-ai animes I've ever seen, but I ended up really liking this to the point that I even read the manga too. I don't even remember why I started watching it, but the drama and dynamics between Shuichi and Eiri kept me hooked. Of course I'll never admit this and have on more than one occasion made fun of Gravitation with my friends, but somewhere deep in my closest is a box with all 12 manga volumes and the anime boxset lovingly packed away.

Hetalia is the other one that I've recently become pretty obsessed with but hide from others. Enough of my friends have seen the anime that I feel comfortable admitting that I like to watch it, but if anyone asks if I've read the web comic I pretend like I don't even know there is a web comic.

So yeah, please share your secret anime loves or better yet, any stories you may have about being caught or something. It'll be cool to read and who knows, you it may even inspire us to watch something we normally would not.

100 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2024-04-08 08:05 ID:4KL/5SDA

Watched this thanks to this poster.
Really great watch, I am glad to have found good anime.

For me, it would be Kanon(2006), which I have watched once a year for the past 16 years. Also Koi Kaze, which I mentioned to a classmate in high school, she looked at me with utter disgust for the rest of the year.

101 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2024-04-08 22:00 ID:BBGfWu+H

I'm not ashamed of any anime, but I'm smart enough to avoid mentioning some to most people. It's hard to say you watched a very sexual mahou shoujo. People might react hostile...

I've also seen Kanon many times, but not as much as you. Seen the 2002 version and the 2006 version several times each.

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