Sub fans, would you watch an anime dub if the characters spoke English with Japanese accents?
Here's three videos of Japanese people speaking in their accents.
I honestly could not understand Team4Mars without the subtitles on the film itself, but I really would not mind a dub with Ken Watanabe's voice. Then again, I always watch sub where possible, so my opinion isn't worth much.
No. That would be awful.
It might be kind of funny to watch a fan dub where all the characters speak "broken English" or should I call it "ploken Enkrish"! They could even run the original Japanese script through a translator program to make it extra confusing!
I'd watch the shit out of something like that.
Somebody did a google translate of a scene from dbz. The voices sound rather similar to the dbz characters. Too bad they don't have thick Aisan accents though.
I LOVE RUKAKO (when she is girl) frJP
Maybe, because it's hilarious LOL