What anime are you currently watching? (70)

39 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2022-05-18 04:12 ID:Heaven

Not sure about that show being good, but cumtastic it undeniably is. I only watched first season. I'm not sure why I wasn't that satisfied by fighting scenes in that anime, either I got spoiled by mainline fate fights which are just hard to top period, maybe use of slowmo and drama and slow pace in genera, maybe I don't like to see little girls risking their life, maybe magic cheapens fights while I'd rather watch real wars or legal battles or people tricking people out of their money or anything else actually useful in life.

Madoka to Mahou Shoujo genre is like Evangelion to Mecha genre, an edgy deconstruction of a long running genre. I'd rather you name Kard Kaptor Sakura or Mirumo de Pon or Kreamy Mami.

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