A show released in 1980 could not have been released in 1990. A show released in 1990 could not have been released in 2000. A show released in 2000 could not have been released in 2010. But a show released in 2010 looks like it could easily have been released in 2020. How come? Is there an explanation for this? Is it stagnation? What does the future hold for anime?
> Is there an explanation for this?
they can still make money doing it this way, so why change anything
more seriously though, high-quality 3DCG and partially 3DCG anime (think Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai, D4DJ, or to an extent, this season's Kumo desu ga Nani ka?) are at least one category in which anime is not stagnant. your opinion of them may vary, but they clearly could not have been made in 2010, nor will they resemble the 3DCG anime being made in 2030
I remember going to a DVD store last year, and remember seeing the most generic and bland anime on the shelves. I remember when I first experienced anime/Japanese culture and it was so unique from anything I'd seen beforehand, the complete opposite of what I saw in that store.
Point being: You've been watching too much anime, take a break. The gems of the decade will reveal themselves in time.
anime is for fags