Asuperu Kanojo (4)

1 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2021-11-30 14:32 ID:Heaven

I'm reading this manga right now, it's pretty fun.

2 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2021-11-30 14:36 ID:Heaven

I wonder if aspergers are the polar opposite of manipulative bastards, they say what they think instead of what others want to hear. Reminds me of Satori in legends, saying all truth and being absolutely hated for it.

3 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2021-12-03 12:32 ID:Heaven

>I wonder if aspergers are the polar opposite of manipulative bastards, they say what they think instead of what others want to hear
And boy do people get pissed about it sometimes.

4 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2021-12-31 01:36 ID:Heaven

Sparks in Girl Genius: bad temper, tend to wreck havoc and thus are hated and hunted even by their own kind.

Girl in this manga: kicks dogs because she hates them, always carries a knife with her in case living gets unbearable, acts without thinking. She would make a great supervillain if she was a super or a villain.

You know there is something wrong with the world if doing what you want and saying what you think automatically puts you in a "wrong in the head" category. That weird impulsiveness though is a problem, I can't call doing something that you will regret 3 seconds later out of the blue nothing but retardation. People like that were usually called "with no breaks" over here, it is a decent trait if you are a criminal or something I guess, less so if you are a girl.

Only 6 tomes of it were translated, I chewed it up in one day. Guy who introduced me to this complained that official translation picked a very retarded name for it, something more roundabout. They think asperger is an insult or something?
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