What's your favorite Manga? (25)

17 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2023-06-12 00:49 ID:eIFz6Knh

Melancholia by Dowman Sayman
it's an anthology like his other work, Nickelodeon (which is also really good but maybe should be read before) and they connect to eachother, along with his other work Voynich Hotel
Unlike nickelodeon however, all the short stories connect at the end which is a trope I like

His manga are always weird, surreal, and occasionally disturbing which i really like. For the same reason I'm also a big fan of:

  • Abnormal Joshi Kei, a manga about a harem of girls who are all crazy psychos(sadly cancelled)
  • Rojica To Rakkasei, which is a very cute manga about a girl who's the only human and her rat creature friend
  • Arai-san Mansion, which is a fan webcomic of Kemono friends that's a horror series set in a hotel with infinite rooms, I don't even like Kemono friends but it's quite good
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