How do otaku watch so many anime? (5)

1 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2024-12-18 20:05 ID:ba7NGMwr

I'm fairly new to Otaku media and I'm kind of ashamed of it, in particular that haven't watched too many of them. As of now it's about 25 Anime and like 5 Manga. I'm genuinely interested and watch whenever I can, mostly 2 episodes every evening of whatever show I'm currently watching, but no matter how I look at it, I feel like I can never watch as much as I'd like to. How do Otaku, who have watched 200, 400 or 1000 Anime do that? I'm NEET and don't have anything that I need to do, but my day only has 24 hours like it's the case for everybody else, yet I don't get anywhere. I don't want to do it for showing off numbers, it's more about the content. There is plenty franchises, I'd like to know more about and get knowledgeable about all this, but watching 2-4 Anime per month really doesn't help with that.

What are all those Otaku doing, that I'm not doing or the other way around, what am I doing, what they aren't doing? Am I not dedicated enough? All explanations and help is appreciated.

2 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2024-12-20 21:50 ID:bTTXB42l
try this + watching multiple things at once (works best when you pair an eventful show with something far more chill; for example, a couple episodes of shonen with a ghibli movie)

3 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2024-12-20 22:28 ID:3RuhMZGh

Just watch a little bit when you want to watch and you'll get through quite a lot in a decade or two. You can get through a 26 episode show in roughly 13 hours. You can get through a 12 episode show in roughly 6 hours. Some years I watch an absurd amount of anime, other years I barely watch anything. Just enjoy it, you don't need to be #1 best otaku hikikomori in the world. You're probably happier and enjoy each show more if you aren't.

What is wrong with you? Are you trying to speedrun running out of things to do in life and getting bored and depressed? Slow down.

4 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2024-12-20 23:43 ID:mPk9lFe+

i agree with >>3, especially the part about enjoying shows more if you arent a NEET, but also everyone you see whos watched 1000 anime probably started watching anime when they were quite young and are probably getting on a bit at this point

lmfao nooo

5 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2024-12-23 22:02 ID:oZymqfzS

Don't force yourself to watch things. Just pick shows you think you'll like, pick classics you think will appeal to you, or get recommendations, and try them out. If you like them, keep watching and if you don't go watch something else. There's value to at least having some basic knowledge of canonical stuff, like knowing what NGE is or whatever. Don't feel like you need to watch all this stuff because even the most hardcore brain dead otaku hasn't seen everything or even everything that's popular or considered a classic.

The point of watching stuff is to relax and have fun. If you are not doing that then you are doing it wrong.

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