how can i start in neon genesis evangeleion visual novels? (3)

1 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2024-12-27 18:49 ID:4mUJ9Lzr

hi i want to play neon genesis evangeleon visual novels but i dont speak japanese then i dont know if exist any english version of that visual novels

2 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2024-12-28 09:30 ID:+XWRfw7F

A quick search on indicates there are not many visual novels, and even less translations, the few of which are old machine translations. I wouldn't recommend it.
If you want to play them that badly you could start learning Japanese. I did that to play an untranslated VN and I'm still going even after finishing reading it. It's a fun hobby.

3 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2025-01-03 17:05 ID:9ebfKSYB

The "Shinseiki Evangelion: Koutetsu no Girlfriend" vn series for the PSP have translation patches for the first 2 games. And the story and translation is actually pretty good.

Gotta find them yourself tho...
Hope this helps

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