Learning Korean (16)

1 Name: !Waha.E2lzU : 2006-08-22 22:45 ID:DKU6gGxA

Good evening Linguists!

First time here, anyways, I'm starting college pretty soon and I'm planning on taking courses on any Asian language, I already know English and Spanish fluently so it would only be fair to learn an Asian language.

I narrowed down my choices to Japanese and Korean. I have friends who are Korean, living here in Los Angeles, they're pretty much everywhere, and they tell things like, "Korean is 1000x harder than Japanese." Yeah, awesome way to convince me, right? Well at least they're being honest. But my question here for you folks of you that know or have had experiences learning or at least trying to learn Korean, is it impossible? Is it really time-consuming? Any advice?

I chose to learn Korean eventhough it sounds very difficult because chances are I'll be needing it more than Japanese and Japan has lost its novelty after being a 4channer for so long and it's not a very appealing society. Like someone once said "If you know Chinese, the Chinese will be very impressed with you, but if you know Japanese, the Japanese will be very suspicious of you."

So yeah, I'm going to be starting college and I don't want to take a plunge into a time-consuming class that's probably so difficult it might end up dropping my GPA or something. So what says you all about the Korean language?

2 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-08-23 01:43 ID:K6ATc/Z6

3 Name: me : 2006-08-27 23:55 ID:3Fo3+bLs

Study, I just compleated a 63 week intensive korean course and it had a pass rate of 30%. I loved learning korean but it can be tiresome and yes it is much harder then japanese but the clases i have taken are much more interesting then the japanese courses i took. Also you get much better food when you go out to practice your language skills.

4 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-09-16 04:34 ID:YPoDzVrT

No worth to learn.
Both K will be a part of China soon

5 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-09-16 06:27 ID:GxITDmDM

Last time I ever eat korean bbq. Five plates full of meat for one single person? You've got to be kidding me.

6 Name: Korean : 2006-09-18 13:18 ID:3HRqdK3P

hey both korea will be a part of china? i think ur wrong my friend. and why dont u screw urself..

7 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-10-03 03:04 ID:zvFLdJ5x


Fucking chinaman. Why don't you just go back to the shithole you came out from.

8 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-10-04 06:07 ID:QYb5WwA/

A good learning site:


9 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-10-16 19:18 ID:+QJvZ3Do

> Also you get much better food when you go out to practice your language skills.

I'm Chinese but this is a GREAT reason to learn Korean (and/or Chinese, of course!).

> Last time I ever eat korean bbq. Five plates full of meat for one single person? You've got to be kidding me.

Again, a great reason to learn Korean!

>>6, 7

Don't feed the troll, please.

10 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2006-10-18 08:27 ID:Heaven

>>4,6,7 are probably all the same person.

11 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2007-01-18 07:44 ID:93ZtGe6A

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12 Name: Katz : 2007-01-25 14:49 ID:zohNl1s1

F*ing chink

13 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2007-01-26 00:58 ID:Heaven

hello and welcome to the internet! you're allowed to write "fuck" here, don't worry, mommy won't get angry if she doesn't notice.

14 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2007-01-26 23:52 ID:Heaven

Better hope the AOL police don't see that!

15 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2007-02-13 23:41 ID:gWlDoNPu

well actually waha, it doesnt make sense. actually if you learn any language the natives will be surprised and glad that you took the time to learn the language. As far as your comment about japan, well have you ever been there? do you know that they will be impressed with you as well? and as far as you figuring out what language and if its hard and how to do it, just fucking do it instead of procrastinating. do you have to ready yourself or something? just dive in and do it. all language require memorization.. not wether its hard or not

16 Name: Bon : 2007-02-16 10:06 ID:Q7op9R07

Chinese, Korean and Japanese are all fascinating for me. Characterwise, they are similar in some extent, but gramatically quite different. I have already mastered Japanese, and am now working on Korean.

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