Drug experimentation? (69)

30 Name: Citizen : 2006-08-03 03:00 ID:OC6OXgPo

Drugs cause brain damage, and that is reason enough not to use them. After using a drug you are worse off than you would have been if you had not used a drug.

Drugs are not a temporary fix; they are a temporary distraction. Your problem will still be there after you come off your drug trip. You will just be in worse physical and mental shape to deal with your problem. Offering your child drugs is a very bad thing to do. Will drug use make your child successful? No. Will drug use make your child more mature? No. Are you teaching your child an important life lesson by getting them high? No.

Any drug that can be burned, and is thus AIRBORN, can be inhaled in "second hand" form by an involuntary party. This is why these drugs are not legal.

Even if you are "not hurting anyone but yourself" - a society is only as strong as its people. You are pulling down society and the advancement of the human race by using these harmful substances.

>>1, Tell your children not to do drugs, and tell them why. Drugs will potentially fuck up your life. If drugs dont fuck up your life, they will put you in a worse physical/mental position than you were in before the drug use.
Do you want your child to be successful? Then dont encourage him to do stupid things by "giving him the choice". Children/Teenagers have brains that are not fully developed; the frontal lobe in particular, which controls most of the descision making process.

Be a fucking parent and look out for the well-being of your child.

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