Drug experimentation? (69)

36 Name: Citizen : 2006-08-08 21:12 ID:DIo0xDJy

I think drugs are stupid. But I also don't think stupid things should be illegal. You wanna ride a motorcycle on one wheel in the snow without a helmet, fine. Just don't come crying to me when your brain is splattered on the concrete.

Now being that I class drugs in the "really really stupid" department, I wouldn't do things that would give my kids the message that I approve. And I'd probably be mad as hell if someone passed a joint around to my kids without my permission.

Now what you do in your free time is your business. Unless you're going to be doing surgery, or maybe opperating heavy machinery, it just doesn't concern me in the least. And the only reason I'd be concerned about the sergeon or the machinery opperator is because there are certain jobs that can't be done safely by an impaired person. In short, it's only the business of the public when it presents an actual danger to the public, not when the public decides that your activity is "immoral".

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