ITT we ponder japan's superiority (67)

24 Name: Citizen : 2006-11-13 09:26 ID:RUb1iDXp

       ____(;゚;;)    ∧∧(;゚;;)
   _/ ∧∧ (;゚;;)(;゚;;)\( ゚∀゚)∩
  / / ( ゚∀゚ ) (;゚;;)(;゚;;)(;゚;;)\ / We can survive under a hot warmer eating Satsuma oranges!
 〈  〈※(  つ ______ \       
  \ ~と( ※ ※※ \ │ /※\  
   \ \⌒ ※     / ̄\    \
     \ `ー── ─( ゚ ∀ ゚ )─'   \
      ゝ、, ___ ∩_(;゚;;) ∩___〉

Japanese are educated to be polite, work and study hard.
everyone is watching each other and we cannot act abnormally in pubulic place.
instead of the stress, they shows their passion and real personalities for their own hobbies.
that's why there are so many Otakus.

that's why

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