Who here is anti-Communist? (169)

142 Name: Citizen : 2008-07-29 16:25 ID:C1dC9Ml+

>>141 continued

So universal health care is not a pipe dream. It works and it is a smarter use of money than sending our men and women in uniform to the desert to become 6000 years ago and has not had a functioning society since the crusades. Thats their shit to fix. Go figure. Conservatives tend to think its our job to police the world, even though logic dictates that it makes you look like a nosey prick.

As for welfare, its a mixed bag. There really needs to be an income floor. Welfare (ie the dole) is a lousy system but its better than what they do in third world countries (let the people starve). If you want less welfare, make more industrial jobs and actually start producing things. It is the government's job to do things like wellfare to protect the average citizen's right to live (by providing them the bare necessities of food, shelter, clothing, and water). The problem is in the job market. This issue is not a matter of "feeling whats is right" but rather an arguement over what is the government's responsibility.

as per your claim about giving everyone 100,000,000, we coulda have done that for 3900 people each year for the past 6 or 7 years we have been in iraq, instead of fighting this pointless war by diverting said money out of the military. Each year you could have raffled it off to a different 3900 people by social security number. no THERE is a fucking stimulus package. Thats not inflation as it isnt minting more money but rather diverting funds. and you better believe that is 20 homeless dudes just got $100,000,000 tomorrow, they would be spending like a mofo, which in turn, means more jobs and more money in everyone elses pockets.

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