Who here is anti-Communist? (169)

143 Name: Citizen : 2008-07-29 16:36 ID:C1dC9Ml+

>>142 continued...

So thats what we outta do.

-Shrink the military budget down to 90 billion a year

-out of the remaining 390 billion, take 90 billion aside for social security

-take another 200 billion aside for national health care

  • Raffle away the remaining 100 billion dollars to 400,000 different people each year people ( at a quarter million dollars a head). Make it so you can only win once and then u are removed from the pool. presto. Spending like crazy once a year. The amount is small enough amount that people will still need to have a job (as 250,000 dollars will not sustain them for life) but large enough to promote spending. That would be a liberal idea. Its welfare isnt it? oh wait, thats right. it looks like a tax cut. damn. thats conservative. only its not all going right back to those who already have more money than they will ever need.
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