Racism in Japan (112)

1 Name: Citizen : 2007-08-13 14:55 ID:sVWGKoVl This thread was merged from the former /politics/ board. You can view the archive here.

so exactly how racist is Japan? how do different races such as koreans, chinese, flips, indians and blacks get treated?

i'm considering going to a university there and I wonder if I'll get pissed upon for being a dirty chinese.

101 Name: Citizen : 2010-05-26 16:35 ID:dl6SyvbT

americans are hundred times more racits than japanese. europeans as well. why on the earth are japanese racists? the country free of racisl best is china by far as far as i know, and americans, europeans are very descriminative. this isnt the matter how whites say and what law are there in those american, european countries. this is in the mind of people. white monkies have a very superor attitude toward asian countires subconsciouly, this is what you have to call racism. hey if you show anything you are better than whites and you are an asian, you will face a lot of "strage things" which make your life harder. very strange? nooooo wwww

102 Name: Citizen : 2010-05-27 07:48 ID:Heaven

>>101, what do you call threads like http://4-ch.net/politics/kareha.pl/1173482508/ if not racism?

Every country has some racist people.
But on 4-ch I've only seen two or three swiftly saged threads about blacks and jews and more than 10 ongoing ones by various Asians insulting each other (most commonly FUD about zainichi Koreans.)
Sure is a lot more racism going on from Asian folks on this particular website.

103 Name: Citizen : 2010-05-27 19:18 ID:o3vQ2JZJ

Cahnnel4 is not important at all. >>102. More racism are going from Asians on an anonymous forum? and what? Would you like to learn about online racism from whtes? then go to some decent english forum where people are taking to each other showing one's real name and count how many naive racist posts are there. Ive read a post said that in the poster's opinion there are many things disgusting to "average westerners" in asian countries and he would call them "criminal". Haha! asian culture is "criminal" to average westerner! and he added that "please do not get me wrong" what is wrong? then how to interpret his statement? "asian culture is criminal" this message is very criminal wwww

104 Name: Citizen : 2010-05-27 20:08 ID:Heaven

If Channel4 is not important, why are you posting on it?
And "asian culture is criminal" is less racist than "korean is monkey."

105 Name: Citizen : 2010-05-28 03:29 ID:W/NlgL72

why posting? because I love you >>104

106 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2010-05-28 18:25 ID:iEoQ0BGQ


(´・ω・`)  Did Toranosuke Katayama(片山 虎之助)dare to jump into the Sunrise Party of Japan
       (立ち上がれ日本), the SPJ for short? Daily newspapers said he couldn't become a
        candidate of the LDP for next House of Councilors Election. Media said he was
         rather gaily when he left the LDP. Without his support, Aoki couldn't rule the
         House of Councilors. Katayama was really dumped without care? Katayama came
          from NHK. He holds dominion over broadcasters.

Now I get it. The SPJ is a satelite party of the LDP. The LDP takes cheap tricks to deceive
voters. Tut-tut, it looks like reborn.


107 Name: Citizen : 2010-05-29 02:28 ID:WljnNb2m

I do not think LDP is somothing in Japanese politics anymore. The remnants, old political folks who are too old to forget LDP regime are still going around LDP, and maybe Ozawa of the DPJ himself is another LDP style politician who like to pupet the primer from behind the scene by obscure money power. However, those old people are just playing a comedy. The LDP politics could run as long as Japan was a de facto occupied country under U.S. The rise of China and wane of U.S clobal power makes it no more possible to run Japanese goverment by the 1955 politics.
Katayama do something, Aoki works behind the scene, but they just suck.

108 Name: Citizen : 2010-05-29 03:03 ID:m7Jlnf7g

Holy moses! Multi-thread drifting!

109 Name: Citizen : 2010-06-01 06:21 ID:cr+4kUwR

Christianity is a form of racism. Look fanatic crazy Christians. I have hardly seen a sane person in those Christians.

110 Post deleted.

111 Name: zelinsky tekiteki : 2012-02-10 04:20 ID:X1qlpcX3

①Hitler・Trotsky・Lenin were Jewish. They had been supported from Rothschild and Schiff. They wanted Jewish resident from Germany to Israel. German has never massacred Jewish people. All lies are always made by dominants.Politic,Media,Police,Economy,Education,Bank,Central-Bank,Prosecution, Mafia, Right Wing ,Religion, Environmental Group, Citizens Group..etc are controlled by Rockefeller and Rothschild. All wars and incidents are their playing games in their scenarios.

②NAZI had no capacity to kill and disposal 6,000,000 people. Auschwitz had not have chimneys at WW2.(after they built it ) Chimneys are necessity for GAS Execution. They built it at 1940 and executed Jewish from 1943 to 1945.It's impossible. Have they killed 8200 people per day? Nazi had no money for oil and chemical for execution. Nazi used all their money for war. Bush has said 「I should had destroyed all Auschwitz」(Evidence of their lie) Nazi just captured and held Jewish in it.

③Jewish established China. I do not care, you would believe Chinese and Jewish or Japanese. But let you know about 「MAKINO in 1919」,which is not being fabricated by them. Manchu was established in MAKINO POLICY. They always occupy and rule over both-side, which they want to make war each other. After WW2 Korean CIA has been ruling over Japan, they are hiding radioactive data what would kill million Japanese. They proceed Nuclear Plant Plans in the world that can kill all human

④[Jewish Word] Dispatch their agents to the all countries in the world. Politic, Media, Police, Economy, Education, Banks, Mafia, Right Wing, Religion, Environmental Group[Jewish Word] If I rule over two countries which I will make war each other, I will completely be able to control the war.. If people do not care true histories and their maneuver earthquake weapon, Tragedies would repeat all over the world. Korean occupy Japanese Media.(japanese.joins.com/arti¬cle/832/74832.html

112 Name: zelinsky tekiteki : 2012-02-10 04:21 ID:X1qlpcX3

⑤Jewish like to destroy your organization from inside.(Country ,Company ,Religion , Political Party…)[ Sabbatai] They always dispatch their agent to opposite too. It’s always incoherence to us. Then they like to appoint person as their agent to Jewish, pretending your supporter, hostile minority group. When you vote your political party, you should not support from its party name. But we should study their policy and their relationship. They always try to destroy or overturn your party.

⑥Capitalism is Jewish Slave System. If you have The Right of Print Money and The Right of Control of Gold Price, you can buy everything and dominant all the world. Jewish have all central banks exception Iran and Venezuela. They can buy all National Bonds with nothing…So just print money. But they have interest. That’s exploit your TAX. If they use your Media and Politic..(Jew control), they can exploit you more. We should have 100% civilian owned Central Bank System.
⑦【100% civilian's Central Bank System】National TAX office must have the right of print money and Open Market Operation. Financial Service Agency will have the right of Legal reserve ratio and bank rate. Ministry of Finance will have the right of watch dog and supervise. Simultaneously we should have City or Prefecture Money System. City tax offices have the right print money and Open Market Operation. City Councils have the other decisions. Spy prevention law・restrictions are necessity.

⑧「Word of Human Right」 has been used for propaganda of non-human circle. They like to massacre and war, slave system. They never say anything about the Slave Capitalism, Makino in 1919..etc., They distort 「human right」 for pretending justice and use in their power game. Pretending Human Right businesses are huge. Jewish and Chinese, Korean…are favorite it. They lie and discriminate against to defeated nation and race, poor nation.

⑨In Japan, There are two anti-nuclear Parties. One is who want to remove nuclear plant for their own life. The other one is ZAINICTI(Korean)Power game. They are anti-Japanese. They never care to Japanese. They just want to destroy and occupy energy business.1/10 of Japanese National Tax of revenues are for the cost of ZAINICHI life. Police never arrest ZAINICHI(exception Lucie Blackman.)Bank and Politic always support ZAINICHI businesses.(AGURA corp. beef fraud business was 630billion yen.

⑩Check out Japanese land owner after 「earthquake of 1923 」「WW2」. Korea massacred and plundered against Japanese.[Tyousen-shintyuugun].¬Some Japanese resisted them, but particularly after WW2, most Japanese were women and children. Korean lies their victim. Japanese land owner registration is proof that Korean massacred Japanese. Then before WW2.Isshin-kai(Korean Political Party)lobbied annexation against Japan for money and White Race position as Japanese.

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