What the hell is up with the new generation of Americans? (42)

30 Name: Citizen : 2008-06-27 18:14 ID:EJCCbCPQ


no it isn't. our economic crash is fueling a global ressession and the increase in oil prices (due to the price of oil being tied to the Dollar paired with our soaring inflation). Forget about finding a job with a decent wage if you are under the age of 30. Hell, even teachers are losing jobs and public schools are being closed due to underfunding. stop regurgitating everything your mommay and daddy tell you and think for your self. read some news and check the job market. America was the land of opportunity like35 years ago. now its collapsing. we just like to think we are still #1. we are no longer the richest nation in the world (its most likely either japan as far GDP goes or the united arab emarites aka dubai and a bunch of other rich arab principalities as far as per capita gdp goes). we are no longer the uncontested super power (most of our military is tangled up in iraq and china, russia, and india could each probably rock us right now bcuz they have nukes too and a bigger army). we are no longer the freest nation on earth (thats the netherlands). we dont have the best education system ( cuba and japan do). and we dont have the best health care system in the world ( thats france and cuba). as for jobs, we outsourced all of our service jobs becuz of nafta and we no longer produce any real good anymore, as we import everything. most money in te us is generated by collecting interest; all we produce is debt. (hence the subprime mortage crisis). so yeah... until you stop living under mommy and daddy's roof and have to go out into the real world, stfu, child!!


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