What the hell is up with the new generation of Americans? (42)

35 Name: Citizen : 2008-06-30 15:49 ID:EJCCbCPQ


um that bee problem is not specific to america. Thats a global issue, dude. If the bees die out entirely, we are fucked. they are responsible for the majority of global pollination. without them, most of the planet's vegetation will not reproduce and the planet will likely starve out after about half a decade. that is serious shit. as for you being a dutch citizen, you are a lucky sack of shit. i both hate and envy you for that. and 1k a month is not opportunity. you think that because you have no real financial responsibility to speak of. you also make more a month than i do. 1k a month is 12k a year. that at the poverty line. that places u in the lowest tax bracket. i would inquire where u live too. while that money might cut it in some tine midwest town, if you live in the suburbs of a major city (i live in a suburb of miami, florida called kendall) then you are screwed. I HAVE to live at home with my mother just so the two of us can survive. we each pay half the bills. my rent alone is $1200 and thats dirt cheap around here. average rent here is $1350. That doesnt account for water, electricity, food, gasoline, car insurance, and telephone. between the 2 of us, we barely make it. the sad thing is that around here, u are lucky to make 1300 a month. Thats not opportunity. To be stuck making under $20,000 a year for the rest of your life is not opportunity. it is an effective income cap. the very thing people claim doesnt exist in america. thats why people think its so great here. the idea that you can go from rags to riches. the problem is that more often than not, you will make less than you would in a socialist state like holland, where taxes ensure you won't make more than a certain amount but the dole also makes it so you make a bare minimum and never go hungry.

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