Anarchists are hypocrites. (65)

37 Name: Citizen : 2010-02-14 15:24 ID:qJrh1Vi5

The practicality of your ideas is sort of a big problem so more truisms aren't really going to help your argument, I was trying to throw you a bone and advance the discussion a bit with my Iceland scenario but whatever.

If ownership means control and whoever controls the means of production has the power to feed or starve everyone who doesn't and thus practically rule them then

"Rule by no-one."


"Administration of industry by the workers"

which also contradicts

"ownership by the people."

I chose Iceland for this reason. It is a 1st world country, with a renewable economic base of fish and geothermal energy, slow population growth, monocultural (while not institutionally so), very low crime and very politically stable. There are only 2 unarmed policemen for every 1000 people, you have to wonder if it's really that difficult to find another way to stop the most irrational people from misbehaving in this situation.

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