★★USA Election 2012★★ (120)

13 Name: Citizen : 2012-01-14 22:18 ID:LYMKlNPe

I'm not even Amerikan, but having been subjected to months of net propaganda I feel entitled to having an opinion on this.

Libertarianism? Even getting considered? What the hell is wrong with you people. The belief that laissez-faire corporatism aligns class interests is so fundamentally wrong I have a hard time believing anyone could be stupid enough to fall for this. Corporate profit motive sustains itself through parasitic extortion of subordinates- and fully intends to extort the Amerikan working class just as much as any other form of sweatshop labour. The danger people don't seem to understand that their privileged class position of co-option is a pin in the side of corporate growth first accepted for pragmatic reasons and now in the process being removed. Corporations are not going to work in the best interests of the masses and the "invisible hand" of the market is a race to the bottom.

Little wonder the primary appeal of libertarian politics appears to be emotional exaggeration of the sustainability of freedom in a hegemonic environment (IE "small government") and petty personal bribes (IE legalize drugs)


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