Psychology is a fake science (84)

72 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2010-07-06 03:07 ID:RuOwsbu/

IRL I've ran into people claiming that psychology isn't a science. Every time I've asked them about it they in fact knew nothing about psychology. I can only assume this is true of people bickering about it in this thread. Psychology is one of those things that has a lot of "mythology" surrounding it so most people dont really know much about it (but it seems like everyone has something to say about it).

Go read a book about something in psychology and reconsider your opinion. Hell I got interested in psychology after reading about it in some of richard dawkin's books (The Selfish Gene, namely). Look up the evolutionary basis behind human morality. It's actually very interesting stuff.

>don't like the diagnosis they've been given.

A good 90% of psychology has nothing to do with mental disorders. Sadly this is the only thing most people associated with it.

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