U F O (34)

18 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2011-06-13 20:31 ID:5qb9on2S

You fail to see that I agree with the idea of following evidence completely-

But what is important is that this isn't a situation where you can ever disprove the possibility of contact, and to suddenly discontinue the future of study based on poor past results is an over-reaction based on the biased assumption that we can ever possess enough data to definitively answer the question. As a species, we are not in the absolute intellectual position of knowing everything that ever was and ever will be, in fact I would personally go so far as to say that such a situation is impossible due to the inability to definitively establish anything. Reactionary posturing like what you are suggesting is nothing more than short-sighted overconfidence fostered through the ethnocentric tendencies of some scientists to believe that their observations are absolute.

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