Javascript and webdev (38)

25 Name: avirus!!R+bqpdPt : 2022-09-14 05:58 ID:Heaven

Yeah, 4-ch Refresher breaks whenever a thread gets moved to a different board or something like that. I plan to rewrite the entire thing, one day I'll get down to it, meanwhile I'll post the latest version I have.


  • Text box no longer expands as you click on it, but expands as you add newlines.
  • Sage gets autofilled.
  • Maybe something else


  • Use json instead of that custom "join lines together" code for saving data.
  • Use already existing thread list instead of adding your own element. * Just add [show all threads] button, and [sort by id][sort by bump]. * And display the amount of new replies in the thread as (134+2).
  • Change the way data is saved, just store it as is without doing this sorting thing every time. This should simplify code a bit.
  • Disable captcha. Disable the god damn captcha. That's not something I can do though.
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