Japanese PHP/CGI BBS script archive (9)

1 Name: hackpaint!3zuWXr6FZA : 2022-03-05 00:09 ID:F6shaOy+

Hello Channel4. I have amassed a collection of old CGI/PHP BBS scripts (about 7) from around the Internet and have decided to upload all of what I have.

Since starting my collection almost all of these websites that I've visited have gone under. Sadly they've been lost to time and I hope that someone with the interest and skills needed to set one of these up now can with the source code available. Happy hacking!

Github: https://github.com/hackpaint/

P.S sorry if this comes off like an advertisement for my Github, I just wanted to share the source code on something that's easy to setup.

2 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2022-03-07 10:51 ID:Heaven

Looks very very dated, but could be useful. Screenshots would be good for those. Thank you for posting.

archive from <http://pikachiu.org/>
A Perl CGI script that lets you write in the speech bubble of a SJIS Pikachu. This script dates back to 2002.

bean script from <http://ntak.net/>
Some perl site. Looks pretty big. Don't see any php here.

archive from <https://t-jun.kemoren.com/>
3 php scripts.

archive from <http://siokara.que.jp/>
A huge single file php script.

archive from <http://siokara.que.jp/>
Huge php script, I guess for imageboard and textboard.

archive from <http://siokara.que.jp/>
Again a huge php file.

archive from <https://t-jun.kemoren.com/>
3 php files.


>elsif (/(^|[\000-\177])[\241-\337]([\241-\337][\241-\337])*($|[\000-\177])/go) {
># 'sjis' jis 半角カナの奇数個の連続


I heard github hates files in shift-jis codepage, did you convert everything?

3 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2022-07-01 02:41 ID:c+1EFnhk

Never seen that Yotsuba file before. Definitely based on Futaba or Futallaby, but looks much more advanced.
It's not in this thread and added only two months ago, a bit later than this thread was posted.
Where did you get it from?

4 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2022-07-09 07:48 ID:lQIlNwtK

it was me who asked usada to make the forest script available
i should have asked for nami too, but too late now
i wish jesus christ take care of usada's health
he is a good man and a good administrador

i will miss him

5 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2022-09-25 10:17 ID:RvcUTHbw

>i should have asked for nami too, but too late now

Nami as in namikare? I don't have usada's version of it (assuming that's the guy that ran all those forest-named BBSes that are now gone - RIP those), but you can find the original namikare scripts and associated toilet script here:

There also exists the original Ans.Q script that namikare was based on:

And in other ancient Japanese BBS script news, I managed to snag and archive the old zian (自アン; jidou enquete sakusei; 自動アンケート作成) script before the last surviving instance went down earlier this year (RIP that board also). Here's the archive for the script:

One thing to note is that the script needs a certain GIF for the vote bars, and there's also references to a ToS text file - neither of which are included in the original ZIP. Luckily I thought to grab them myself back when the site was still online, and I've reuploaded them here along with vote.zip:

BTW, if anyone messing around with old Japanese scripts needs a version of jcode.pl that works on more up-to-date versions of Perl, you can find a fixed/updated copy here:

Alternatively, you can usually just comment out all the lines of the script related to jcode, convert all the shift-JIS encoded files to UTF-8, and make sure to add/modify every HTML header in the script to include <meta charset="utf-8">. Voila, no jcode.pl required

6 Name: jr : 2022-11-11 02:09 ID:Hm/nyerL

You got Yotsuba working? Fucking Crazy!!

7 Name: jr : 2022-11-11 02:14 ID:Hm/nyerL

Yeah, it's Futallaby but modified to hell. It's modified enough to not just be heavily modified Futallaby.

8 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2022-11-30 04:36 ID:EhDIC1ZI

nice thread
here's the robot9000.php to match your version of yotsuba. they rewrote r9k sometime in 2012 (along with a lot of yotsuba itself), but it's another missing piece of the full script

9 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2022-12-27 11:31 ID:7mhTi8vr

yes, it is namikare
and he is that guy
but sorry to say, everybody has these files
it is not a old rare thing

but okay

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