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244 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11196 10:18

>>238 Ye that's what I mean, to you it seems quaint and it sticks out, to many it has been an everyday word for a long time. But maybe there has been a youtuber saying it recently or something and it's been picked up by more people who wouldn't normally say it.

>people used to not abuse the terms "pedophile" or the N-word (you know... German person...) as much as they do in the past 10 years,

YMMV, this was school life 20 years ago for me. I can't say I've noticed an increase or decline since then.

>"out of pocket" a few years ago to mean something non-budgetary and had to look it up

It was the opposite for me, I thought that was the normal meaning, then a few years ago my ex started saying it all the time to mean like, not civil, I had to ask what she meant

I have never said it in my life

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