【Alternative】The best shows nobody has seen 【Elitist superstructure】 (132)

27 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-06-16 04:27 ID:lhiaS5YM

The things >>21 listed don't seem all that interesting to watch. Oh, and, if a show gets fansubbed, it's not a show "nobody has seen." Windy Tales, Zettai Shonen, FC, and the like have been seen by a considerable amount of non-Japanese otaku, and have beed discussed in great detail on Animesuki forums. I remember when FC was being fansubbed, some episodes had leechers into the 1000's; and 1000 + people is not "nobody." No one knows how well FC is selling, but Vol.2 is #14,814 on Amazon.com DVD ranking, it's currently outselling more popular shows like Elfen Lied. A few years ago, there was a thread on AoD discussing obscure anime, and some of the titles being brought up were truly rare, to the point where I felt like an idiot for thinking my DVDs of Spring & Chaos/Night on the Galactic Railroad are something special.

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