Anime Reviews - mid 2006 (121)

1 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU : 2006-06-30 14:21 ID:XX4s+RDS

Binbou Shimai Monogatari ep 01 raw
Story: "A junior high school student Yamada Kyo and an elementary school student Yamada Asu are sisters, and live alone. Their father ran away leaving gambling debt, and the mother has already died. In spite of this unhappiness, they don’t gloom but they are living brightly and happily. Kyo works as a paperboy or tutor to support the family. Asu do housekeeping jobs. There are kind people around them, such as the landlord or a novelist Saegusa, and they watch over the sisters gently. They experience a lot of troubles and hard times, but the happiest thing for them is that they are nearby." [edited from animenfo]

Genre: Heartwarming story.

Review: Ugh, the OP song sucked. ^^; Then, that title page had ugly colors. Low budget anime? The ED music is better but seems copied from the OMG OVA song.
The "we are poor but we are happy" got rubbed in too much for my taste, I started to dislike the characters. Besides, it felt fake.

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