Anime Reviews - mid 2006 (121)

19 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU : 2006-07-07 17:34 ID:XX4s+RDS

Coyote Ragtime Show 01 raw
Bad guy in high security prison plans to escape. Female Rambo-like agent is there to prevent it, but things go bloody wrong when a third faction moves in...

Stallone anime with a female lead.

High production values. Very flashy, maybe too flashy; the Over-The-Top-ness (ha!) makes it unbelievable -- I went "wtf!" too many times. The thing that bugged me most: the shuttle is in zero-G, but liquid food flows down into a plate.
I'd need to see this subbed to be sure, but I have the feeling they were inconsistencies in the dialogs/plot as well.

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