Anime Reviews - mid 2006 (121)

60 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU : 2006-09-09 21:17 ID:XX4s+RDS

Black Blood Brothers 01 raw:
In a world filled with vampires warring with humans, a lone, katana-wielding, red-jacketed ubervampire is trying to bring about peace.

Vampire story.

Lots of explosions and vampires turning to dust...
Vampires seem to be portrayed in a semi-favorable light. The superhero has an annoyingly cute blonde brother as sidekick. We get to see a poignant scene where a vampire saves the life of a little girl. Then again, later on when the little girl bares her fangs to say: "Mom, I'm hungry", I get to think that maybe it wasn't a good idea to save her after all.
'Looks well done, but I'm no fan of vampires stories, and this one doesn't seem like it's gonna make me change my mind.

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