Anime Reviews - mid 2006 (121)

70 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU : 2006-10-03 20:17 ID:XX4s+RDS

D.Gray-man 01 raw
"The story takes place in a world that looks like the 19th century Europe. The Earl of Millennium plots to massacre all humans with AKUMAs, which are weapons made from machines, spirits, and tragedies. On the other hand, there are people who can stand up to the Earl."

Mild horror anime interspersed with mild comedy.

The first episode wasn't badly done, but failed to interest me.
Main characters lack substance, music tries to be scary but is just obnoxious, continuous black fog is more annoying than a bad Doom level.
There is a babe in the intro and the preview who seems to have some spunk, hopefully she'll put some spice in this insipid soup.

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