Anime Reviews - mid 2006 (121)

98 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2006-10-08 03:05 ID:RB6JNLS6

Tenpou Ibon Ayakashi Ayashi, A Strange Ghost Story of the Tenpou Era, 01 raw: 1800s Japan is threatened by big monsters that teleport out of the ground and eat people. The main character is a young guy named Yuuki who does odd jobs and looks kind of like Musashi, master of Gun-do.

This is a terrible summary, because people are constantly talking in this show and I couldn't catch a word of it. Animation quality is superior even to Eureka Seven and FMA. Norio Wakamoto appears near the end. One-episode test succeeds, but only if it gets subbed.

Jigoku Shoujo Futagomori, 01 raw: Same as Jigoku Shoujo 01, but more so. The introduction highly spoils the first series, and there's a hint it will develop a plot sooner. For now, it's still episodic though.

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