99 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-03-23 00:34 ID:Hb7vCdO0

I'm kinda disappointed by this thread. When I saw it's title i was hoping it would be full of people recommending obscure nonsense to show what hardcore recluses they were. Unfortunately I've seen most of whats been recommended, and I haven't seen much. I say unfortunately because I was hoping for some good recommendations of stuff I'd never find out about by myself.

As I'm just getting into anime It would be nice to hear some lesser known things, because I've learnt that what is best known within a genre is rarely considered the best by serious fans of a genre. Like >>98 I think a quite good analogy can be made with music; a lot of well known stuff is great (provided you like the genre it's in) such as Pink Floyd. But if you seriously spend time with music you'll eventually find stuff you appreciate far more than what first started you listening in the first place. For example from liking Pink Floyd (I still do) I found out about Gentle giant and Gong, who I like much more, but they aren't as well known. I'm assuming the same is true of anime. I really liked Eva, but am concious that there will be anime out there in the same genre that most fans of the genre would consider to be much better.

Favourites are hard to choose but I'd say Key the metal idol, kino's travels, Kodomo no Omocha and Akagi.

Also I thought Kurt Cobain's voice suited Nirvana really well.

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