how can the real otaku get to akiba (132)

1 Name: マムシ_72さい : 2006-12-17 02:57 ID:S9WNftza

allright this is where im desperate. i work at a comic book store which sells anime manga and figurines aswell. im 16 but i need to get to akiba Its my only hope for a happy life! by boss was telling me how unlikely it is and it hurts me soo much to hear that.for most of us hardcore people it wouldent take long to pick up japanese because we already know alot of the basics.what can I or we do?

also my language teacher said I could never be accepted in japanese socioty my responce was "i never expected to"

46 Name: Fraaaaag : 2007-01-15 23:50 ID:Pqsc2Idf

"Of course. All asians look alike and they groupthink."
i beg 2 differ.
To the japanese all americans look pretty much the same.
not every1 in east asia r almond shaped eyes, black hair, wutever sterotype u think there is. 4 example, My friend is northern chinese & she looks more russian.

47 Name: Fraaaaag : 2007-01-15 23:54 ID:Pqsc2Idf

but i do agree it would be harder 2 be accepte in japanese soceity.
Throughout history Japan has looked down upon foriegners. as an american ur probably more used 2 the diverce culture of america.
& tokyo is one of the most expensive cities in the world.
i recomend geting a studio apartment in New York, then save up money & move 2 a smaller city around Tokyo.

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