If you could make an anime show what would it be (24)

1 Name: inu 42 : 2008-06-12 07:16 ID:Ow3YCErH

I dont give a damn but i figure you people might have some fun with it.

Just say the title maybe a few characters the storyline and how many people you think would watch it

2 Name: neon genius : 2008-06-12 07:35 ID:EYHuhqSt

I would make an anime called dark angels

It would consist of Jade Melony and Will

The setting {into} would be in the basement of a highschool

The three girls would be there trying to open the gates of hell with a symbol that looks like a star but made with blood The girls would succeed in opening the gate but also be cursed The would be given awsome powers but the demons of hell escaped Terrorizing the city is the first thing the monsters would do The sisters knew that they would have to vaquish the demons sending the back to hell from wense the came

I basically covered the storyline the girls have to kill the demons but they have to do without getting caught because if the townspeople knew that they did it they would suffer

I think that a lot of people could get into this show and maybe someday ill be able to have it made well anyway there it is all summed up and i just came up with this im tired and can barely see straight so you gotta give me some credit i mean really right off the top of my head

3 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2008-06-12 08:24 ID:P+0AX7ls

4 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2008-06-12 15:13 ID:MQfl/5pz

Short series with different characters about internet suicide pact

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